Tuesday, November 13, 2007


m [08/02/2007 2:15 PM]: i don't know what yr up to.
m [08/02/2007 2:15 PM]: but yr suspect.
m [08/02/2007 2:15 PM]: [shakes head again]
k [08/02/2007 2:15 PM]: I know what you're up to... and youre still suspect
m [08/02/2007 2:15 PM]: it's impossible to know what i'm up to
m [08/02/2007 2:15 PM]: i don't even know what i'm up to


m about to leave for a long weekend:

k [07/26/2007 4:13 PM]: have a nice weekend
m [07/26/2007 4:13 PM]: thank you. you too
k [07/26/2007 4:13 PM]: dont drink too much
k [07/26/2007 4:13 PM]: look both ways when crossing
m [07/26/2007 4:13 PM]: and this time, if boss comes looking for me and asks you where i am tomorrow, don't forget i'm on vacation
k [07/26/2007 4:14 PM]: :p
m [07/26/2007 4:14 PM]: or make something up like i'm training a rare breed of dolphins to rescue starving children off the coast of madagascar


m [07/26/2007 10:49 AM]: i ate too much breakfast
m [07/26/2007 10:50 AM]: i think that donut is going to give me a heart attack
k [07/26/2007 10:50 AM]: I cant eat donuts right now. my doc said i need to lower my cholesterol
m [07/26/2007 10:53 AM]: yeah you do. i've been wanting to tell you that your cholesterol has been pretty disgusting as of late and that you should do something about it, but i didn't know how without embarrassing you.
m [07/26/2007 10:53 AM]: i mean it's disgusting
k [07/26/2007 10:53 AM]: Well if you were my friend you would have said something knowing our friendship was strong enough to handle something like this.
m [07/26/2007 10:54 AM]: i don't know how you can look at yourself in the mirror with all that cholesterol
k [07/26/2007 10:54 AM]: The fact that you didnt say anything and I had to hear it from a stranger tells me you would rather see me dead.
m [07/26/2007 10:54 AM]: well....i can't help it. i'd rather you died than have to stare at your cholesterol all day.

i can kill you with my brain.

m [07/20/2007 11:17 AM]: ]:)
m [07/20/2007 11:17 AM]: :_|
m [07/20/2007 11:17 AM]: :0
m [07/20/2007 11:17 AM]: X-(
m [07/20/2007 11:17 AM]: ?:|
aykim [07/20/2007 11:18 AM]: and those are your emotions in just 2 seconds... I fear you.
m [07/20/2007 11:18 AM]: you should. i could kill you with my brain.
k [07/20/2007 11:19 AM]: You can kill me with just confusion.
m [07/20/2007 11:20 AM]: well that's yr downfall. not mine.

the dating blog begins

m talks to k about her strange dating experience:

k [07/17/2007 10:25 AM]: if guys have to explain their behavior ahead of time then they arent ready to date my little girl... who is taller than me.
m [07/17/2007 10:25 AM]: he wasn't explaining his behavior when he told me that story
m [07/17/2007 10:25 AM]: i'm just putting two and two together
m [07/17/2007 10:25 AM]: but then again i have no idea if that blog was really about me
m [07/17/2007 10:26 AM]: it could just be a strange coincidence
m [07/17/2007 10:26 AM]: cause he doesn't really know about kfed
k [07/17/2007 10:27 AM]: no but he is assuming your friend position. Trust me, that posting is about you.
k [07/17/2007 10:27 AM]: strange coincidence?
k [07/17/2007 10:27 AM]: like bumping into him at the grocery stroe to find out later he has a tracking device in your car?
k [07/17/2007 10:27 AM]: he's a loon
k [07/17/2007 10:27 AM]: mace him
k [07/17/2007 10:28 AM]: Or date him some more so you have content for the dating blog
m [07/17/2007 10:28 AM]: nope. the rule with the dating blog is i can only go on one date
m [07/17/2007 10:28 AM]: if i try to force myself to go on more, i may in fact throw up
m [07/17/2007 10:57 AM]: i'm going to have to start handing out waivers to guys i go on dates with
m [07/17/2007 10:57 AM]: "please be aware that any and all material, situations, and stories resulting from this date is subject to publication"
k [07/17/2007 10:58 AM]: as long as names have been changed to protect the innocent...
m [07/17/2007 10:58 AM]: well i don't care about protecting the innocent
m [07/17/2007 10:58 AM]: it's the guilty i'm worried about

polka dot shoes, death & australia

m [07/05/2007 3:30 PM]: did you see my polka-dot shoes today? :-)
m [07/05/2007 3:32 PM]: yep, they're pretty much the BEST
k [07/05/2007 3:32 PM]: baIIs
m [07/05/2007 3:32 PM]: ?
m [07/05/2007 3:35 PM]: is that your word of the day, "balls"?
m [07/05/2007 3:50 PM]: i need another diet pepsi please.
**k goes to kitchen and brings m a diet pepsi**
m [07/05/2007 3:52 PM]: thanks slave.
k [07/05/2007 3:53 PM]: die
m [07/05/2007 3:53 PM]: you forgot the period
m [07/05/2007 3:53 PM]: the period is very important
m [07/05/2007 3:53 PM]: die.
k [07/05/2007 3:53 PM]: i wasnt done...
k [07/05/2007 3:53 PM]: die a gazillion deaths
k [07/05/2007 3:53 PM]: .
m [07/05/2007 3:53 PM]: that's better
**m ponders life in silence for 4 minutes**
m [07/05/2007 3:57 PM]: i wish i had an australian accent


m tells k to quit encouraging her interoffice crush:

m [07/03/2007 3:20 PM]: it would be different if it was even a possibility
m [07/03/2007 3:20 PM]: but it's so not. it's almost funny how much it isn't.
m [07/03/2007 3:20 PM]: so
m [07/03/2007 3:20 PM]: i don't know...
m [07/03/2007 3:20 PM]: there's nothing after the so
m [07/03/2007 3:22 PM]: we can have this carpe diem talk if anything ever happens
m [07/03/2007 3:22 PM]: but until then, quit encouraging me
k [07/03/2007 3:22 PM]: you're either very jaded or very crazy... I havent decided yet. I'll tell you later.
m [07/03/2007 3:22 PM]: why would this make me either?
k [07/03/2007 3:22 PM]: I hope I just get a chance to say "I told you so." I really enjoy doing that.
m [07/03/2007 3:22 PM]: i do too
m [07/03/2007 3:23 PM]: * sigh *
m [07/03/2007 3:25 PM]: and by 'i do too' i mean i hope you get the chance to say i told you so too
m [07/03/2007 3:25 PM]: just to clarify
m [07/03/2007 3:25 PM]: that i'm a total smitten idiot

the bruised lip.

m [06/28/2007 10:07 AM]: so apparently it's possible to bruise your lip
k [06/28/2007 10:08 AM]: yeah, havent you seen boxers?
k [06/28/2007 10:08 AM]: how did you do that m?
m [06/28/2007 10:08 AM]: i plead the 5th
m [06/28/2007 10:08 AM]: i mean......boxing
m [06/28/2007 10:08 AM]: i was boxing
k [06/28/2007 10:10 AM]: boxing? yeah... lip boxing!
k [06/28/2007 10:10 AM]: thats pretty passionate boxing
m [06/28/2007 10:11 AM]: yeah whatever.
m [06/28/2007 10:12 AM]: today would be a good day to start wearing lipstick.
k [06/28/2007 10:40 AM]: or not lip boxing
m [06/28/2007 10:40 AM]: your stories are not confirmed
m [06/28/2007 10:40 AM]: i actually hit myself in the mouth with a book
m [06/28/2007 10:40 AM]: now, why the book was flying in front of my face is another story....
k [06/28/2007 10:41 AM]: why would someone throw a book at your face?
m [06/28/2007 10:41 AM]: it wasn't thrown
m [06/28/2007 10:41 AM]: it was being moved
k [06/28/2007 10:41 AM]: at the speed of throwing?
k [06/28/2007 10:41 AM]: who swings a book around
k [06/28/2007 10:41 AM]: ?
k [06/28/2007 10:42 AM]: try again lip boxer!
m [06/28/2007 10:42 AM]: people do. people swing books around.
m [06/28/2007 10:42 AM]: it was being tossed from one location to another
m [06/28/2007 10:42 AM]: not THROWN
k [06/28/2007 10:42 AM]: tossed?
k [06/28/2007 10:42 AM]: sounds like throwing
m [06/28/2007 10:42 AM]: no one THREW a book at my face
k [06/28/2007 10:43 AM]: and this book just hit the corner of your lip?
k [06/28/2007 10:43 AM]: was the book the size of a matchbook?
m [06/28/2007 10:43 AM]: no
k [06/28/2007 10:43 AM]: but it only hit your lip?
m [06/28/2007 10:46 AM]: well it hit the side of my face, not very hard, but the corner of the book hit my lip and sort of pinched it
m [06/28/2007 10:46 AM]: come on, i'm trying
k [06/28/2007 10:47 AM]: next. you will tell me how you fell down the stairs and got a rug burn on your neck.
k [06/28/2007 10:47 AM]: Just stop.
m [06/28/2007 10:48 AM]: there's nothing on my neck.
k [06/28/2007 10:48 AM]: now


at m and k's place of employment, there is an employee directory online with everyone's picture and info. you can also send feedback to the administrators of the site which happen to include m, k and m's crush at work [that k knows about].

m [06/26/2007 4:20 PM]: i want to post feedback on your page that your picture is ugly.
m [06/26/2007 4:20 PM]: under 'content concern'
k [06/26/2007 4:21 PM]: I'm going to do the same but make an announcement too
m [06/26/2007 4:22 PM]: yeah, make the announcement that you're getting a new face

irish car bombs and riverdance

m [06/26/2007 10:38 AM]: i was doing irish car bombs last night
k [06/26/2007 10:38 AM]: What is in that? Im not mixologist in any way.
m [06/26/2007 10:39 AM]: you take half a glass of guiness, drop a shot of baileys in it and then chug it as fast as you can.
k [06/26/2007 10:39 AM]: wow
m [06/26/2007 10:39 AM]: you have to drink it fast or the baileys will curdle
k [06/26/2007 10:40 AM]: you throw down.
m [06/26/2007 10:42 AM]: it's just very irish and i like the way the irish do things
m [06/26/2007 10:42 AM]: minus the fighting part
k [06/26/2007 10:43 AM]: irish culture, drinks, men...
m [06/26/2007 10:44 AM]: what irish men do i like? well kevin i guess.
m [06/26/2007 10:44 AM]: oh yeah and the bartender in vegas at the irish pub. i got his number too. haha
k [06/26/2007 10:45 AM]: So that makes three
m [06/26/2007 10:45 AM]: you forgot irish music
m [06/26/2007 10:45 AM]: damien dempsey
k [06/26/2007 10:47 AM]: and river dance
m [06/26/2007 10:48 AM]: you river dance?
k [06/26/2007 10:48 AM]: I am the heavy weight champion of river dancing.
k [06/26/2007 10:48 AM]: I battle professionally

cranky breakfast.

m [06/22/2007 8:07 AM]: could you guys please keep it down, i'm trying to eat my breakfast
k [06/22/2007 8:08 AM]: Please stop chewing so loud
m [06/22/2007 8:08 AM]: please stop breathing.

movie concentration camp

another co-worker of m and k's was gone for the day because her dog was battling the last few days of cancer. that's when m suggested:

m [06/15/2007 4:17 PM]: we should buy her an elephant.
k [06/15/2007 4:18 PM]: covered in jewels
m [06/15/2007 4:18 PM]: yep. like moulin rouge.
k [06/15/2007 4:18 PM]: i never saw it but heard it was good
m [06/15/2007 4:18 PM]: it is good. i could lend it to you if you ever have time to watch it.
k [06/15/2007 4:19 PM]: we should do a movie recommendation program where we force each other to watch movies.
m [06/15/2007 4:19 PM]: then it's more like a movie concentration camp

interns: part deux

m and k discussing having the interns sign a department birthday card for the boss:

k [06/15/2007 2:36 PM]: were we planning to have the interns sign?
m [06/15/2007 2:36 PM]: yes, that's fine
k [06/15/2007 2:36 PM]: okay
m [06/15/2007 2:36 PM]: they are a part of us right now
m [06/15/2007 2:36 PM]: i guess
k [06/15/2007 2:36 PM]: okay
m [06/15/2007 2:36 PM]: i know their pics aren't on there, but it's ok
k [06/15/2007 2:37 PM]: I wasnt sure since i didnt leave much room for interns
m [06/15/2007 2:37 PM]: eh...they're interns
k [06/15/2007 2:37 PM]: true... how much do they have to say right?
k [06/15/2007 2:37 PM]: "like happy birthday"
m [06/15/2007 2:37 PM]: like totally

humpback whale.

m [06/13/2007 11:51 AM]: lunch today? or are you too busy AGAIN?!?
k [06/13/2007 11:51 AM]: nope
k [06/13/2007 11:51 AM]: lets do this
m [06/13/2007 11:51 AM]: ok, great.
k [06/13/2007 11:52 AM]: what should we hunt?
m [06/13/2007 11:53 AM]: mmm....
m [06/13/2007 11:53 AM]: mongoose
k [06/13/2007 11:54 AM]: again?
m [06/13/2007 11:55 AM]: umm...
m [06/13/2007 11:55 AM]: humpback whale
k [06/13/2007 11:55 AM]: I am picturing a giant whale swimming with you chewing on its back
m [06/13/2007 11:56 AM]: but its back is like rubber
k [06/13/2007 11:56 AM]: good to know
m [06/13/2007 11:56 AM]: well it helps the visual


there was a group of teenage interns working with m and k over the summer. two of them were friends and even though they worked about 20 feet away from each other in an open space, in the same room, they would call each other on the phone. m and k's workstations sit facing each other at the same table.

m [06/13/2007 8:57 AM]: did they really just do that?
m [06/13/2007 8:57 AM]: i'm going to call you later
k [06/13/2007 9:01 AM]: I'm going to fax you later.
m [06/13/2007 9:01 AM]: i'm going to call the receptionist to have them transfer me to you

crazy ear.

m [06/12/2007 1:57 PM]: your ears just moved up like an entire inch
k [06/12/2007 1:57 PM]: what?
m [06/12/2007 1:57 PM]: you made a face and your ears migrated to a different part of your head
k [06/12/2007 2:10 PM]: Im busy. stop bothering me.
m [06/12/2007 2:11 PM]: ok. i don't want to piss you off. one of your ears might attack my face.

severed heads.

m's favorite movie happens to be the nightmare before christmas and one day k decides to ask her some movie trivia starting with, "what's in the box?". he was asking her to name the movie from the quote and she thought he just wanted the answer to the question. ironically her obsession with the nightmare before christmas somehow still caused her to arrive at the correct answer.

k [06/12/2007 10:40 AM]: Whats in the box!
m [06/12/2007 10:41 AM]: a severed head
k [06/12/2007 10:41 AM]: Sorry
k [06/12/2007 10:41 AM]: "What's in the box?!?!?!"
k [06/12/2007 10:41 AM]: quote
k [06/12/2007 10:41 AM]: movie
m [06/12/2007 11:13 AM]: what's in the box
m [06/12/2007 11:13 AM]: i need a hint
k [06/12/2007 11:15 AM]: brad pitt
m [06/12/2007 11:15 AM]: umm
m [06/12/2007 11:15 AM]: seven?
m [06/12/2007 11:15 AM]: at the end
m [06/12/2007 11:15 AM]: his wife's head


m [06/11/2007 1:44 PM]: you should hear the music i listen to during the day
m [06/11/2007 1:44 PM]: it makes my work day seem like a funny movie
k [06/11/2007 1:45 PM]: So that ipod actually works? I thought it was a cover for the music in your head.
m [06/11/2007 1:45 PM]: well, yr right about that, but i'm still listening to the music in my head

at work, working.

k [06/11/2007 11:57 AM]: yo! whats. up
m [06/11/2007 11:57 AM]: lunch, yo
m [06/11/2007 11:57 AM]: you've been busy today
k [06/11/2007 11:57 AM]: i know
k [06/11/2007 11:57 AM]: i have a meeting
k [06/11/2007 11:57 AM]: :(
k [06/11/2007 11:58 AM]: working lunch
m [06/11/2007 11:58 AM]: terrible, terrible
k [06/11/2007 11:58 AM]: i know
k [06/11/2007 11:58 AM]: i know
k [06/11/2007 11:58 AM]: i know
k [06/11/2007 11:58 AM]: i know
ak [06/11/2007 11:58 AM]: its crazy
m [06/11/2007 11:59 AM]: not enough fun time
k [06/11/2007 11:59 AM]: tell me about it
k [06/11/2007 11:59 AM]: it feels like work
m [06/11/2007 11:59 AM]: work shouldn't be so much work

field trip.

"m" is disappointed to hear that "k" cannot make lunch because he's going on a field trip with some other co-workers....

m [06/07/2007 11:09 AM]: well you guys go do your 'field trip' and i am going to be basking in the sun, sipping on some iced tea and reading the wonderful literature of marcel proust
m [06/07/2007 11:09 AM]: you should be jealous
k [06/07/2007 11:10 AM]: I'm not because I already saw the movie
m [06/07/2007 11:11 AM]: there IS no movie. LIAR!
m [06/07/2007 11:11 AM]: i will now burn you at the stake
k [06/07/2007 11:12 AM]: mmmmm... steak.
m [06/07/2007 11:14 AM]: no....stake....a long wooden pointy thing
k [06/07/2007 11:14 AM]: mmmmm.... stake

Monday, November 12, 2007


k [06/07/2007 9:29 AM]: I need some advice in getting a good pair
m [06/07/2007 9:30 AM]: oooooo....i'm good at that
k [06/07/2007 9:30 AM]: keep in mind, I have a ginormous and round head.
k [06/07/2007 9:30 AM]: so I need something wide
m [06/07/2007 9:30 AM]: how about we construct a mini tinted windshield for your face
m [06/07/2007 9:31 AM]: it will be very helpful and aerodynamic when running
m [06/07/2007 9:31 AM]: it may even increase your speed
k [06/07/2007 9:31 AM]: So I should wear a wielder's mask?
m [06/07/2007 9:31 AM]: well....not exactly
k [06/07/2007 9:31 AM]: wait... why mini? why not an actual size windshield?
m [06/07/2007 9:31 AM]: your face isn't THAT wide
m [06/07/2007 9:31 AM]: and i think it might strain your neck
k [06/07/2007 9:32 AM]: No but then i can invite friends to enjoy my glasses
k [06/07/2007 9:32 AM]: we can walk around at lunch like a pack
k [06/07/2007 9:32 AM]: huddle around my cool shades
m [06/07/2007 9:35 AM]: we do that anyway